Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Happy New Year!

Another year is in the books.  In many ways, 2015 was a very successful year!  I continue to expand my repertoire of technology in the classroom, I have set up a website (and this blog) to share to the world, and I have become more involved in presenting my expertise on various topics to the masses.  2016 also looks to be a promising year!

In a couple of weeks, after months of planning, the 21st Century Learning Conference will take place in Las Vegas.  My team and I have worked very hard recruiting presenters, vendors, and attendees to put together a top-notch educational technology conference.  If you aren't booked for January 22-23, you should strongly consider coming to check it out.  Learn more about the conference here.

The following weekend, EdTech Team will be hosting the Las Vegas GAFE Summit at Southwest Career & Technical Academy in Las Vegas.  Numerous presentations and speakers will highlight the overall awesomeness of Google Apps for Education.  This is another one that I highly suggest you attend if your time and money allow for it.  Learn more about the summit here.

I also plan to hit up two other absolutely massive conferences in the following months.  The CUE National Conference will be in Palm Springs, CA in March.  ISTE will be held in Denver in June.  Luckily for me, I have a principal that is also a sucker for technology for me and she is going to be paying to send me to at least one of these conferences.

This is just the beginning of the big plans I have for myself for 2016.  Who knows what else will arise throughout the rest of the year.  Whatever happens, I know that in January 2017, I will be a better educator thanks to everything that I will do to improve myself.  What will you do this year to become a better educator/leader?

Until next time...

If life hands you an entire bag of lemons (which I picked from the tree in my backyard)... well, you know what to do!

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