Wednesday, March 16, 2016


Finally, after registering what seems like months ago (it was about a month and a half), the CUE National Conference is finally upon me!  I have been inundated with various emails for the past week or so from the various vendors that are going to be there and other bits and pieces about the conference.  I can hardly contain my excitement, however, there is a problem...

When I signed up for the conference, I did not know my schedule for my leadership preparatory academy.  When I went to my first academy session, I learned that my classes would meet on Thursday evenings from 5 to 8 PM.  Right off the bat, my Thursday night hockey league was going to need to be put on hold.  I miss playing on my league night, but this academy is a step in countless directions to further my career.  Missing 13 weeks of hockey is hardly a big deal.  Besides, I'm not sure how much I would be playing right now anyway since my knee has been bothering me a bunch lately (enough to the point that I am contemplating skipping the half marathon that I have planned for next Saturday).  But outside of my hockey schedule conflict, the academy also conflicts with the conference.

The conference officially kicks off tonight with various activities before really taking off tomorrow morning.  Two of my colleagues are already in Palm Springs and have graciously warned me of the road traveled down from Las Vegas.  Obviously, I wish I was with them, but my academy class tomorrow night prevents me from doing so.  "But Kyle, I'm sure you could have used your charm and looks to talk your instructors into letting you out, after all, this is an EDUCATION conference!"  Yes, I tried that, but no dice, no avail, insert other way of saying no, I'm sorry here.  Unfortunately, it's a no go (there's another one!).  I have to settle for heading down after my class is done Thursday night to make the four-hour drive to Palm Springs to get there in time for Friday's sessions.

I have been to numerous conferences before, but never a national conference.  I took one look at the schedule and I about lost my mind.  There is so much to choose from in regards to sessions that I am about overwhelmed.  I really have no idea where to start.  What I need to do is sit down and really hammer something out though because it will be that much worse if I wait until I get there to go over the full program.

Bottomline, this weekend is going to be absolutely amazing!  I cannot wait to overload my brain with new knowledge, meet new friends, finally meet some of my Twitter PLN face to face, and maybe partake in a bit of Southern California beer sampling (I'm sure a place like Palm Springs has to have snobby craft beer bars that I fit right into, right?).  If you are going to #CUE16, please take a moment to search me out so we can connect!  Maybe over a little bit of that craft beer that I previously mentioned...

Until next time...

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