Tuesday, December 13, 2016

CUE-NV Events of 2017

Cookie Monster joined CUE and look at how
excited he is!  This could be you! 
2017 is shaping up to be an exciting year for CUE-NV.  As an organization, we are attempting to build our brand, recruit membership, and host more events for members and nonmembers alike (although, we hope that if you take the time out to attend one of our events, you should become a full-fledged member of the Dark Side; we have cookies, or CUEkies, right Jason Borgen?) Numerous events are already published and ready to go.  There is also the CUE National Conference in Palm Springs, various CUE Rockstar events, and Fall CUE events that are absolutely amazing.  I have attended each of those events before, and I can vouch for their awesomeness.  You will learn a ton and meet some amazing people, many of whom I consider good friends now.  So without further ado, I present to you, a schedule of CUE-NV events for the upcoming year!

CUE-NV Tech Fest
Where: Douglas High School, Minden, NV
When: Saturday, January 28, 2017
What: numerous presentations on innovation and technology with a keynote by CUE's own Jon Corippo.

Register now for $40 (if you are a CUE member, send an email to 21stcenturylearning@cue-nv.org for a promo code to save $20).  If you are interested in presenting, submit your proposal for a free registration!

Silver State Tech Innovator Symposiums
Where: Various locations in Las Vegas, Reno, and Carson City
When: February 25 (Las Vegas & Reno), March 11 (Carson City), March 25 (Las Vegas), April 22 (Las Vegas & Carson City), May 20 (Las Vegas & Reno)
What: A series of one-day tech events with a monthly focus: G Suite for Education (February), iPads & Chromebooks in Education (March), 21st Century Learning (April), Digital Literacy & Citizenship (May).

Please see the following links for registration.  Registration is only $15 for nonmembers, $10 for CUE members (be sure to complete the form on the registration page to request your $5 reimbursement.  CUE-NV is also looking for presenters for each event; your registration fee is waived if you submit a proposal that is accepted.  See links below for proposal submissions.  Carson City events are still in the planning stages; more information will be provided at a later time.  

Registration Links
February 25 (Las Vegas):  http://bit.ly/LasVegasSSTISFebruary
February 25 (Reno):   http://bit.ly/RenoSSTISFebruary
March 25 (Las Vegas):  http://bit.ly/LasVegasSSTISMarch
April 22 (Las Vegas):  http://bit.ly/LasVegasSSTISApril
May 20 (Las Vegas):  http://bit.ly/LasVegasSSTISMay
May 20 (Reno):  http://bit.ly/RenoSSTISMay

Proposal Submissions (indicate which location on the form)

Reno Spring Tech Camp
Where:  Damonte High School, Reno, NV
When: April 28-29, 2017
What: Two-day event featuring a keynote speaker, numerous presentations on innovation and educational technology, lunch, and a year membership to CUE

Register now for $89, with prices increasing to $99 on April 21.  Looking to present and having your registration fee waived?  Submit a proposal and if it is accepted, you will be able to attend for free! 

Where: Western High School, Las Vegas, NV
When: September 29-30, 2017
What: The largest annual event for CUE-NV, a two-day conference with keynote speakers, numerous innovation and educational technology sessions, CUESTEAMpunk Playground, vendors, breakfast, lunch, giveaways, and a year membership to CUE.  

Register now for the super early bird, super low price of $69 (only 46 tickets remain!) before prices increase to $89, $99, or $109.  The request for presenters will be made available at a later date.  

CUE-NV will also be hosting BeerCUE on Saturday, January 28.  The Northern Nevada event will be held after the CUE-NV Tech Fest at the Tail Dragger Cafe in Minden and Hennessey's Tavern in Las Vegas, with both events starting at 5:30.  A CUEHike is in the planning phases for May.  

As you can see, plenty of opportunities for professional learning, networking and building your PLN. If you have any questions, feel free to contact CUE-NV at 21stcenturylearning@cue-nv.org.  

Until next time...

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